Sunanda always LOVED Prom. Not because she ever had a date… but because she loved creating the experience of Prom. Putting in the effort, pulling out all the stops, creative problem-solving, all the magic it takes between dreaming up an idea to making it real. Sourcing for it. Organizing for it. Making “IT” happen… no, not teenage sex… Prom.

Her “make it happen” attitude sprouted in Bangkok, then flourished in New York when she learned that event production was a J.O.B. that P.A.I.(D’ed). She transfered the skills she learnt in event production into video production then photo production. Sunanda apprenticed with many well-respected and talented (occasionally INTENSE) producers in New York and Los Angeles, where she worked alongside in-demand, experienced producers with various media.

Instead of fixating on one type of media, Sunanda chose to gather experience in as many formats as possible. It was untraditional, as most producers were usually masters of one media format, but it has proved invaluable as clients now demand delivering on multiple formats concurrently. A photoshoot is combined with a videoshoot, or an event must be live-streamed, and the producer has to have a handle on it all. Sunanda believes that in order to take a project from idea to reality, the essential skills are the same. The details which are specific to each medium, are easy to learn.

Over the past two decades, and across multiple continents, she has gathered the rare and eclectic experiences and resources to manifest any creative objective. When the occasion calls for it, Sunanda has sweet-talked near-impossible requests, and relished in putting out a million metaphorical and one literal fire (so far).

Sunanda graduated from Columbia University with a Bachelor's in Economics and from The New School with a Master's in Media Studies, because it takes an ambi-brained doer to dream it up and get it done.

Communications maths adds up to show that 1 Sunanda equals someone who can politely ask for things in 5 languages and insult your mother in 13. Drop her out of a plane almost anywhere in the world, and she’ll thrive and probably have friends there, because she is a part of the International School Mafia (it’s a thing) with friends from 60+ countries since she was 6 years old.