In Tokyo, I took on a nonsensical challenge to rush into throngs of street-crossers just to take the edge off for clients on this super jam-packed stressful job. Always bringing the PHTY to make it a night to remember!

PHTY  / payh-dee / : noun+verb+freestyle exclamation

1. to inject joy and fun into every project.

2. to bring together people together in a joyous, collaborative, and creative manner.

3. a motivational war chant when in the trenches of production-lyfe.



"How to Follow Strangers" was Sunanda's first feature film production, starring Broad City's Ilana Glazer, written and directed by Chioke Nassor of "Late Night with Seth Meyers"

Watch the Trailer "How to Follow Strangers"

Watch "How to Follow Strangers"

"Making VARMiNT with some of my best friends was one of the most personally rewarding events I've ever survived, because everything that could've gone wrong, did. However, we solved it all and came out with a winning film, unbreakable relationships and much much MUCH more experience and confidence than if it was a smooth, boring ride." - Sunanda

Watch "VARMiNT"

Pop Shuvit's "Oh Sizuka" was winner of Best Music Video of the Year 2011 at the Annugerah Industri Musik 17, Malaysia's Grammys. Produced in 23 hours straight, it was an insane endeavor, but worth it!

Watch "Oh Sizuka!"


"Howdy-Ho" from the Samsung shoot with Daeja Fallas for R/GA. Always a strong game in New York City.

Not only is she a very hard worker, Su was also an incredible asset to the job, as her Thai and English was perfect, making for seamless communication, and beyond language, she also understands the difference in working cultures, which made the event go off successfully!
— Pimmy Suthikulpanich, Chang Beer (LA)
Wardrobe department and kids loved me on the set of UmiZoomi, a Nick Jr. show.

Wardrobe department and kids loved me on the set of UmiZoomi, a Nick Jr. show.

I can rest easy when I know Sunanda is on the job.
— Daniel Lane, Clarks
Shaka! It’s finally a wrap on the North Shore in Hawaii.

Shaka! It’s finally a wrap on the North Shore in Hawaii.

On the indie feature shoot of Chioke Nassor’s “How To Follow Strangers,” Sunanda made the freezing cold exteriors feel all warm and cozy merely with her bright presence. What a love. She’s motivated and does not stick to the job description, a creative problem solver who will do whatever needs doing. Happens to be a wonderful person to be around.
— Ilana Glazer, Broad City
We won Best Music Video, not best dressed.

We won Best Music Video, not best dressed.

I love Sunanda - she makes dreams come alive.
— Jena Friedman, The Daily Show
Sunanda is Indian for super producer of smiles and films!
— Chioke Nassor, Late Night with Seth Meyers
In Downtown Los Angeles, we stay juiced up with a fresh delivery to our photoshoot set.

In Downtown Los Angeles, we stay juiced up with a fresh delivery to our photoshoot set.

Some of us are motivated by Rosé… don’t judge.

Some of us are motivated by Rosé… don’t judge.

Celebrating my fake birthday on the set of a Microsoft still+video commercial shoot.

The morning of the job, the producer and photographer thought it would be fun to tell the client that it was my birthday... fake news traveled quickly, and the lie got bigger as the day went on. The talent used their lunch break to venture out and buy me a birthday card, cupcakes were ordered to set, and then the video team hoisted me in the air on a chair as per their Eastern European birthday tradition!

Was I scared they might drop me? YES.

Was I going to ruin everyone’s cake-eating, cheering good-time? NO.

I thought it’d be over when we wrapped on set, but the client insisted we all celebrate my “birthday” at a lux sushi dinner where I was presented with a surprise cake and balloons. I hate to lie, but everyone was having such fun, I played along all day... ANYTHING TO GET THE JOB DONE WITH SOME FUN!

When in Joshua Tree National Park…

When in Joshua Tree National Park…

Su was instantly one of my favorite producers that I have ever worked with. She’s the perfect balance of professional and fun. She turns every shoot into a FULL BODY PHTY. Not only can you rely on her to get shit done, but you can be damn sure she’ll be the comedic relief when times get tough - as they always do on set. She goes out of her way for any request, ANNNND she’s a good person.

Yes, it exists, and it’s Su!
— Josephine Yatar, Founder of Man Servants
All the press on set to get the inside scoop on our groundbreaking K-Pop style music video for Thai-American Pop Diva, Tata Young.

All the press on set to get the inside scoop on our groundbreaking K-Pop style music video for Thai-American Pop Diva, Tata Young.

Still grinding at 2.30am in Brooklyn with a 6 person film crew, 30 days in a row... that is what it took to make the feature film, "How to Follow Strangers."

Still grinding at 2.30am in Brooklyn with a 6 person film crew, 30 days in a row... that is what it took to make the feature film, "How to Follow Strangers."


Sunanda is a pro at multitasking... attractive models feeding her Pocky can’t stop her from working!

Never. Stop. Working.

Never. Stop. Working.

I always look forward to working with Sunanda. She manages to keep a smile on her face and keep everyone in good spirits, no matter how heavy our work load may be. She’s one of those rare people that you still want to hang out and have a drink with even after a long day on set.
— Amy Chance, Makeup Artist
We went to Mt. Fuji to take a picture of a guy taking a picture… work has taken me to the most beautiful locations!

We went to Mt. Fuji to take a picture of a guy taking a picture… work has taken me to the most beautiful locations!

Checking in with Rick, our security outside the Clark’s Store Grand Opening event, because a fed and happy crew is a hardworking crew.

Checking in with Rick, our security outside the Clark’s Store Grand Opening event, because a fed and happy crew is a hardworking crew.

The first time I met Su, she was operating three walkie talkies simultaneously. But not just operating, she was owning them. Directions sent, instructions relayed, praise given (on channel 2 of course). A la a young Yo-Yo Ma, she made it look easy while providing world class production results. Sunanda will over-deliver time and time again, but the bonus is that she will make you laugh while doing it, all while likely wearing a hilarious t-shirt.
— Andy McCallie, Photographer

Sometimes you will find Sunanda and the AKQA ladies sprouting on trees in Downtown Los Angeles whilst on a Target Style Shoot.

The threat of SARS, Bird Flu and Ebola can't stop Sunanda from working on two phones simultaneously.

I might not be fluent in Korean, but I learnt a lot about the unstoppable Korean work ethic from this incredibly dedicated and brilliant crew from Seoul.

I might not be fluent in Korean, but I learnt a lot about the unstoppable Korean work ethic from this incredibly dedicated and brilliant crew from Seoul.